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Artist Joshua Winston paints in oils for The Good Art Company Fredericksburg, TX.
GAC Fine Art Gallery Fredericksburg, TX

 I never imagined I would be and artist. Never occurred to me. As a child, I dreamt of being a Rockstar musician. Perhaps being an artist was the next best thing. Art happened to me around 2013 at the age of 25. Growing up I had always been creative but lacked life experience and was ignorant to the power and magic that art possessed. It took years of poor decisions, addiction and self-imposed crisis to discover its value and impact on the human heart and soul. Once I found it, I somehow knew that it would be a part of my life for years to come.

In my experience, it brought about a sense of purpose. This is what kept me around. Ever elusive, my purpose in the world always seemed to be somewhat of a mystery. I always felt I would do or be something different than your typical 8-5er. Creating art was the first thing that provided any inkling that I was headed in the right direction.

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