- Title: Uncommon Objects
- Original artwork by Omar Garza
- Gouache on paper. Matted and framed behind museum non-glare glass.
- Painting size 5"x8".
- Size with frame: 12.5"x15.5"x1"
- Iconic downtown Austin, Texas culture captured in a painting.
- My goal as an artist is to continue at developing a unique and deep connection with nature and life around me, so that I can then translate this into a work of art and share my experience with the viewer. My search for creative expression started out in my native South Texas, as I observed and studied the life in my surroundings. I have always endeavored to translate these things by experimenting with different mediums. The medium I prefer to work with is oil on panels that I prepare in my studio.
Gouache | Original Artwork | 5x8 | Austin, Tx | Uncommon Objects